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  3. Making a Refund Request A refund request can only be made if you have lost items as a direct result of a server-side error or a rule break. You cannot make a refund request without an accepted action request or bug report unless authorised by a staff member. You cannot make a refund request if the value of items are below $5,000 as this is not proportionate. You must only submit a refund request from this url, posting a topic will result in an automatic closure. Claiming a Refund Any administrator above can issue your refund in-game. You can only claim a refund if it has been accepted by a staff member. To claim the refund you should make a contact a staff member and include a link to the accepted refund request. You must claim your refund within 28 days of being accepted, otherwise it may be moved to the completed section.
  4. Role Requirements Your application will be rejected if you do not meet these requirements Your application will be rejected if you do not meet these requirements Your total time played on the server must be at least one week You must not have any in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on the server or forums in the last month You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them You must have access to and use a microphone You must maintain an active presence on Community Platforms e.g. Discord and Forums You must not have been rejected for a staff role in the last 1 month Application Template You must use the template in your application Steam Name: Ingame Name: Steam ID: Age: Why do you want to be a staff member?: Do you have anything else to say?:
  5. Appeals Process An explanation into the appeal process You cannot dispute a punishment because you feel the length was unjust, this must be done via a staff complaint instead. You can only dispute a punishment once, if you still disagree after it was denied then you should make a staff complaint. You must include the staff member that issued your punishment. If you create an apology then you accept you broke the rules and are apologizing for your actions, in hope for your punishment to be reviewed. If you create a dispute then you feel you haven't broken the rules and want to dispute the legitimacy of the punishment. You must only submit an appeal from this link, posting a new topic will result in an automatic closure. Reviewing Appeals A brief summary of how appeals are reviewed An apology can be dealt with by the staff member who issued the punishment, up to 6 months. A dispute can be dealt with by alternative staff members, or a senior member of staff ranked administrator or above. Any bans from 6 month to permanent are usually dealt with in an admin meeting which occur every few weeks. The above mentioned meetings are not scheduled, please do not ask staff when the next one is. Reasons for Denied Appeals A list of common reasons for denied appeals You should not automatically expect an unban, you are not entitled to play our server. You may not be unbanned if you use an AI/ChatGPT to assist in writing your appeal, if you do your ban could be extended. You may not be unbanned if your ban is deemed to be a suitable length of time. You may not be unbanned if you have ever demonstrated a course of conduct that is toxic, disrespectful or a safeguarding concern. You may not be unbanned if you have an extensive history of rule breaks, regardless of how long ago they were. You may not be unbanned if you have previously broken the rule that you were punished for. You may not be unbanned if your presence here is not in the communities interest, or you provide little to the community.
  6. When should I make an Action Request? If the incident has just happened and the player is still in-game you should consider making a report. If this is not suitable for any reason, e.g. the player has disconnected from the server and therefore can't provide their account, there are no staff available to deal with the report, or you need to upload some evidence which will take some time, then you can create an action request. Action Request Guidelines You must not be disrespectful in your action request, the post is made public and the defendant will be given a chance to reply to the action request so you must follow basic conduct rules. You may receive a punishment yourself if you breach this. Your action request must include the player's name at a minimum. You should also include the roleplay name and SteamID of the player, laziness is not an excuse to not include this information. If you can't find this information then ask a staff member to help you before posting the action request. You can only leave this information out if it is not applicable, i.e. a matter out of game. You are expected to make your action request within 21 days of the incident you are reporting, failure to do so may result in no action taken and be not eligible to make any refund requests. You must only submit an action request from this link, posting a new topic will result in an automatic closure.
  7. General Information This sub-forum is open for the community to suggest new features, map edits, models and community changes. A community change includes anything on the website, discord or anything else overseen by Community Management. Ideas & Suggestions are generally reviewed by Community Management and Developers. There are no fixed review dates for suggestions posted here due to the high volume of posts made in this sub-forum. Any duplicate suggestions will be rejected unless there is any significant difference from the previous suggestion. We ask that you include both the positive and negative aspects in your rule suggestion before posting, there will likely always be negative aspects. Ideas & Suggestions can be posted using the included form, replacing the 'New Thread' option, you no longer need to follow a template.
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